Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wednesday was my birthday and I took Maiah and Dakota to Applebee's for dinner. Before our food came, I noticed that Dakota was picking his nose. (Gross I know, but what boy has never done that?). Well, we kept telling him to stop, but he didn't. Then, three police officers came in to eat and Mariah told Dakota that it was against the law to pick your nose in public and that the police officers would come over and give him a ticket or maybe even arrest him if he didn't stop. He had the most serious look on his face when he said, "Oh, take cover!" and then he crawled under to table. We laughed so hard! The whole time we were there, he kept asking if the policemen were looking over at us.

This whole past week, I have been quizzed about science facts. I swear my third grader is smarter than me! I don't think that I got any of the questions right. Like, what is the first thing that has to happen for a fossil to start forming? Um, I didn't get it, but it pretty much makes sense. The animal or living creature has to die first. Duh! Or how 'bout this one. What does dinosaur mean? Big lizard. This kid is so smart, it scares me! The doctors, psychiatrist, pyschologists, his teachers, they can all say that he has a learning disabilty all that want. But, to me, he is learning things in science class that he really retains. He is really interested in what they are teaching in this class, for atleast right now anyway. He enjoys math, too. Blows me away what he can do with numbers! I suck at math, so he did not get that from me.

Mariah has been taking Dakota down to the pond recently to take pictures and she lets Dakota take some, too. He is pretty talented with a camera! I'll have to post some of his pics on here soon.