Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Name Change

I am changing the direction of this blog hence the name change. Dakota is such a loving, funny, smart, kookie kid and he says and does some of the funniest things, so I thought that I should write about how he sees the world. Mariah takes pictures and videos of him all the time so you will probably be seeing some of those, but mostly stories about things that he says. Some of them are thought provoking and some things are down right hilarious!

The other day I asked Dakota what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas.
He said "an Indiana Jones whip".
I said, "ok, what else?"
He said "an elf".
"What kind of elf?" I asked.
He said "one of Santa's elves".
I asked "what for?"
He said "so it can play games with me!".
I wonder how much I could pay a little person to dress up like an elf and come hang out with my kid for a day.
I think this will be the last year for "Santa", because a lot of questions have been asked on a daily basis for the last two weeks or so. I almost told him, but I didn't have the heart to right now before Christmas. When is the right time to tell him? I think he really knows the truth, he's just hanging on to the magic of it all.